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Chap. 32 crossword puzzle

The roman name for the Greek god, Zeus
One bloody sport event, staged during funerals
The roman name for the Greek god, Aphrodite
Some where located in Italy
The roman name for the Greek god, Poseidon
A huge stadium where gladiators fought
An irrigation system invented by the Etruscans.
Where romans copped the Greeks and wrote in only capital letters
One of 7 hills in Ancient Rome
Where over 20,000 people could watch chariot racing
A roman poet that built on Greek tales of a long-ago conflict, The Trojan War
A person trained to fight another person to the death for public entertainment
The father of Romulus and Remus
A greek trojan prince that fled to Italy after the Trojan War
The person who killed Remus
The first romans
Something, that was made by the Etruscans, that rested on 2 pillars. the pillars supported a half-circe of a wedged-shaped stone