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Dementia and Delirium

A state of cognitive functioning that is below defined norms
Characterized by loss of memory
A condition characterized by the presence of Lewy bodies
A state of temporary but acute mental confusion
Roles of the nurse in caring for the patient with delirium
Also called multiinfarct dementia
Delirium can also accompany drug and___________
Nursing strategies that address difficult behavior
A specific type of agitation
FTLD is characterized by disturbances in_________
Person with AD is at risk for problems related to ______
Changes in the brain’s structure and function
Often mistaken for dementia in older adults
The most important risk factor for developing AD
Interventions should be implemented through ______programs
Is a major concern for caregivers
It is the most common form of dementia
May slow the worsening of symptoms
Occurs frequently in hospitalized older adults
A rare disorder caused by shrinking frontal and temporal lobes of the brain