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All American Boys # 1

Who is Rashad's brother?
What format is the introduction to the novel?
Where did Rashad go to buy a bag of chips?
What event that Jill is hosting is being foreshadowed in chapter 1?
With what extracurricular program is Rashad involved?
What did Rashad say people in offices get paid for?
"His voice would lift way higher than necessary and he'd fling his arms all over the place ______________ style..." (Reynolds & Kiely).
What did Chief Killabrew teach?
"But before I could even get my fingers on the money, the cop had me knotted up in a ______________ hold" (Reynolds).
What did the blood in Rashad's mouth taste like?
"My father was the president of _____________, probably something he learned when he was in the Army. or a police officer" (Reynolds & Kiely).
What benefit did Rashad's dad say one can get from serving in the Army?
Where was their favorite pizza spot?
What was the lady in Jerry's buying when she accidentally tripped over Rashad?
Who was making a way too romantic model face in the bathroom mirror?
What literary technique is Reynolds using when he refers to Rashad as the reverse of Superman?
Who wanted Rashad to enlist in the military after high school?
What was Carlos' tag?
What type of shoes should only be worn by men who are getting married?
Who guarded Jerry's Corner Mart?
What adjective was used to describe Carlos because he couldn't take a joke?
What did Friday mean to Rashad and almost every other person on Earth?
Who gets cut from the basketball team each year?
Who did Rashad want to "rub-a-dub" on at the party?
What color was Spoony's uniform?
What did Rashad's dad say one can learn in the Army?
How did the lady in Jerry's feel when the cop asked if Rashad did something to her?
"My brain exploded into a million thoughts and only one thought at the same time--please don't ______ me" (Reynolds).
"Now here's what happened. Pay __________" (Reynolds).
What were the boys in the bathroom joking about growing when E was trying to stimulate the follicles?
Who was the only guy who ever flushed the urinals?
What metaphor did Reynolds use to describe the best friends?