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Quiz Biodiversity

a stand of trees resulting from natural secondly succession.
the many forms of life found on the Earth
the variety of genetic makeup within a single species.
many offspring, early reproductive age, small adults, high population growth, generalist niche, low capability to compete, examples: cockroach, dandelion.
ewer, large offspring, high parental care and protection, later reproduction age, larger adults, capable to adapting to stable and environmental conditions
suggests that any ecological harm can be undone. But could also possibly further harm the environment
Building roads into previously inaccessible forests paves the way for fragmentation, destruction, and degradation.
A new species can arise when member of a population become isolated for a long period of time
species killed for their valuable parts or sold live.
the variety of genetic makeup within a single species.
Species can become extinct: Locally ( a species is no longer found in an area it once inhabited but is still found somewhere else in the world) Ecologically: (occurs when so few members of a species are left they no longer play its ecological role) Globally:( species is no longer found on the earth).
a stand of trees resulting from natural secondly succession.