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Theology III Final Review

A supernatural gift of God by which our sins are forgiven and we are made holy
Maintain sound moral judgment and behavior at all times
Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not married. It is morally wrong to engage in intercourse before Marriage, a sin against the Sixth Commandment.
The declaration by the Church that a marriage is null and void, that is, it never existed as a sacramental union. Catholics who divorce must have the marriage annulled by the Church to be free to marry once again in the Church.
The fertilization of a woman's own ovum (egg) with a man's sperm outside her body. The fertilized egg is transferred to the woman's uterus. The Church considers the process to be a moral violation of the dignity of procreation.
The virtue by which people are able successfully and healthfully to integrate their sexuality into their total person; recognized as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Also, one of the vows of religious life.
Belief in the existence of God
The process by which a man's sperm and a women's egg are united in a manner other than natural sexual intercourse. In the narrower sense, it means injecting sperm into a woman's cervical canal. The procedure is morally wrong because it separates intercourse from the act of procreation.
The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin.
The cardinal virtue by which one moderates his or her appetites and passion to achieve balance in the use of created goods.
Concerned with the rights and duties within relationships
Intense and uncontrolled desire for sexual pressure. It is one of the seven capital sins.
Inclined toward choosing moral good and avoiding evil
A direct action, or a deliberate lack of action, that causes the death of a person who is handicapped, sick, or dying.
Wisdom Understanding Right Judgment Courage Knowledge Reverence Wonder and Awe
The act of providing sexual services in exchange for money, drugs, or other goods. It is serious social evil and a sin against the Sixth Commandment.
An action or attitude- or the failure to act- that leads another person to sin
Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Generosity Gentleness Faithfulness Modesty Self-Control Chastity
Something related to marriage or a marriage ceremony.
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance
Trusting the promise of God
God's interventions and support for us in the everyday moments of our lives
Longing for God
As a theological term, something related to the power of producing new life.
The free and undeserved gift of God's loving and active presence in the universe and in our lives