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7th Unit 3 Review

Jesus' Second Coming at the end of time.
A visible sign of an invisible grace.
The events from the Last Supper to Jesus' Death on the Cross
Good habits which are fundamental to leading a moral life; prudence, justice, courage, temperance.
After your death, when you discover how much like Jesus you have become and whether you will go to Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory.
Friendship with God.
A sacrament in which the Paschal Mystery of Jesus is both called to mind and made present under the appearance of bread and wine.
Jesus' suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.
The glorified appearance of Jesus witnessed by Peter, James, and John.
The Jewish feast commemorating with a meal God's saving action of leading the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to the promised land.
The free gift of a share in God's own life.
The coming of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, the apostles, and the disciples, empowering them to proclaim the Good News as courageous witnesses and to form a community of love, the Church.
Gifts given by God at baptism which help to center our lives on God; faith, hope, and charity.
A solemn agreement between God and human beings.
At Jesus' second coming, when the eternal destiny of the human race and of every person will be revealed.
When Jesus, after rising from the dead, went back to Heaven to be with his Father.