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Separation of charge
Depth perception theory that has four basic sources of cues
Part of communication between two cells
Inhibitory synapses that are projecting horizontally
Colored part of the eye
How many stages of sensation
Theory that focus on natural perceiving environment
Outermost surface of the eye
Nucleus in the thalamus that is responsible for visual information
Theory in form perception that means organized whole
Theory that says there are two different visual systems
Network of 5 different cells types
Part of the eye that is in charge of fine tuned focusing
Interpretation of neural energy
How many laws of grouping
When a lot of cells turns to a few cells
One reason why ions move
Center of the retina
"black hole" in the eye
Taking physical energy and converting it into neural energy
Potential when the cell is not firing
Potential when the cell is firing
How many principles of perception