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These are unlined lightweight fabric that can be window length or floor length
Add additional detail to the total look of a window
Long panels of heavier pleated fabric that hang straight to frame a window
These are long panels of fabric that do not offer privacy
Venetian, mini, vertical and woven wood are types of these
Curtains that are lightweight, translucent fabric that diffuse harsh daylight.
Shorter pieces of fabric that cover the uppermost part of the window.
These are curtains that cover only the lower half of a window
Two popular types of these include louvered or plantation
The glass is modified to create a semi-private effect
Half round in shape and consists of fabric draped over the top of a window
there are many types of these, Roman, Austrian, pleated, balloon, accordion, and roller
Typically consisting of wood, fabric covered wood, or resin which is a decorative structure mounter above the window
Fabrics with pleats, gathers or folds, which descend vertically on one or both sides of a window