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Shoulder Post-Test

Dimple under acromion.
Palpated between the SC and AC joints.
The step that follows taking a history.
Motion that tests the teres minor.
Sternoclavicular joint dislocation common direction.
Helps with shoulder flexion.
Shoulder dislocates by way of external rotation and ...
Joint of cross body test.
The Neer test.
This "I" in SITS produces external rotation.
Have them do flexion, extension, etc...
The "T" in PQRST.
Burner or stinger.
Passing 3 out of 4 of these test would indicate...
C5 sensation.
Stretching or tearing ligament.
The apprehension test is for which joint?
Muscle producing protraction.
Motion produced by subscapularis.
Very first thing to consider in the evaluation process.
Cuff muscle helping with abduction.
I'm doing it if there are problems with AROM.
T1 abduction.
The nerve of elbow extension.