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Chapter 9&10 Crossword

This person created the light bulb with the goal of affordable lighting for homes
This term reshaped the nations transportation industry and severely lowered the cost of taking large groups from one place to another around the city
Which sport attracted many fans in the 1900s and even had songs written about it
Shops that employed thousands of people, that worked long hours for low pay under harsh conditions
This act outlawed any trust that operated in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states
Low-cost multifamily homes designed to fit as many people as possible in a tight space.
Played a key role in in transforming American business and industries
"everything that glitters ain't gold''
Term used by Charles Darwin that said wealth was the measure of ones inherent and those who had were most fit for life
First federal body ever set up to monitor american business operations
Which labor union strike/riot happened while trying to achieve a 8 hour work day
Had a morning journal that informed people and stir up controversy
Believed in the term "rag to riches" where business were owned by individuals
This movement favored public instead of private control, of property and income
Used as an escape route for city dwellers to have some fun
Created by Henry Bessemer which helped with greater creations such as suspension bridges and skyscrapers
Term that came from a 1908 play
This person used horizontal integration to lower costs and higher profits
Was the perfect answer to expanding business because only lost as much as they put in
Increased his power by gaining control of different businesses that all make up one product development, known as vertical intergration