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Chap 9 and 10: Budget + Banking

A record of payments, debits and deposits
At most, 15% of your budget.
A signature
At most, 15% of your spending plan budget.
The second set of digit numbers on an account.
At most, 35% of a budget spending plan.
Withdrawal from account is greater than outstanding amount
Used to deposit or withdrawal money from an account.
To enter in an account
At least, 10% of your spending plan budget.
Compare and Adjust your checking acount register.
Same amount for expense every month
At most, 25% of your spending budget.
A plan for the coordination of income and expenses
To take from an account
An expense easiest to cut.
A sum of all your assets.
The first set digit numbers on a check.
Utilities are known as a flexible or ___________ expense.
A pay to the order guaranteed by the bank dependent on deposits in an checking account.