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Meat, Legumes, and Eggs are examples of this food group
Good for tissue repair
A carbohydrate that is primarily sugar and used by the body for short bursts of energy
Minerals that do not need to be consumed in large amounts daily.
Type of test that measures body fat percentage using "pinch and pull" method.
Good for building and maintaining bone and teeth structural strength
Vitamins and minerals are carried through the body in fatty acid and can be stored for later use.
A measurable unit of energy
Vitamins and Minerals
Peanut butter is an example of this "good" type of fat.
Vitamins and minerals are carried through the body in water and can't be stored for later use.
Milk, Cheese, Yogurt
High Blood Pressure
Leading country in Obesity Rates
High_____ corn syrup that was created in the 1970's to be added to nearly all processed foods.
Important for preventing blood clots
Recommended 6-11 daily servings of this food group
The Immune Booster
Body Mass Index
Good for eye sight
A type of "bad" fat that should consumed in moderation
Carbohydrate that contains the most nutritional value, supplies body with energy to use instantly or stored for later.
Found primarily in Protein
The primary source of energy used by your body during exercise
The primary nutrients that provide your body with energy
Represented by "g" on the nutrition label
Apples, Bananas, and Oranges are examples of this food group
According to SuperSize Me, 1 out of 4 Americans are diagnosed with this preventable health issue.
A type of "bad" fat that should not be apart of a daily diet.
Good brain function and is the body's secondary source of energy.