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Opposite of Gigantism. Shortness in height that results from a genetic or medical condition.
Removing the tumor is the preferred treatment for gigantism if it’s the underlying cause
Another name for Gigantism
An inherited disorder that causes tumors in the nervous system
Abnormal growth in bone tissue, patches of light-brown skin, and gland abnormalities
Most common in
Secreted from the pituitary gland
Medication that lowers growth hormone
How doctors measure levels of growth hormones
An inherited condition that causes non-cancerous tumors on connective tissue, cancerous or non-cancerous endocrine tumors, and spots of darker skin
rare condition that causes abnormal growth in children
Symptom of gigantism
A collection of highly focused radiation beams
A pea-sized body attached to the base of the brain
Grows on the pituitary gland