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The Era of Exploration

This is the term used to describe the exchange of people, plants, animals, ideas and technology between the “Old World” (Europe) and the “New World” (North and South America) that took place as a result of exploration and colonization.
Trade route taken by Europeans in the Atlantic Ocean. Europeans traveled to Africa to get slaves, brought the slaves to their colonies in the Americas, and then returned to Europe with goods from the Americas
Arab/Muslim explorer who traveled a total of 75,000 miles and visited lands in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
The new forms of business that were introduced during the Age of Exploration.
The act or process of settling among the indigenous (native) people of an area.
Chinese explorer of the Ming Dynasty who sailed the Indian and Pacific Oceans to lands that included Southeast Asia, India, the western coast of Africa.
A company in which Investors combine money to help pay for trading projects.
the idea that colonies exist only to make the Mother Country wealthy.
A labor system in which the Native Americans were forced to work on Spanish farming plantations
The voyage of slaves from Africa in densely packed ships to the Americas
Italian merchant who traveled to China (over the Silk Road) when it was ruled by the Mongols.
An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.