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Brave Like My Brother #1

What Charlie liked to do.
What the English people call the American soldiers
A word that means 'friends'.
They type of work Joe did before going to war.
"Got some ___, chum?
The war that we went to England to help fight.
Joe would really like ___to come to England to fight this war.
Who is Joe's younger brother?
Joe really likes getting Charie's ___.
Joe and Matt were sent on a special ____.
Who was the 'third passenger in the jeep?
Who Charlie had to deal with since Joe was gone.
Joe said that __ had 'all the smarts' in the family.
Joe asked Charlie to work hard to keep his __ __ __ cheerful.
Matt thought they were carrying a ___ in the back of the jeep.
The main character in the book
People who are not your friends.