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Female Reproductive System

I am two folds of skin located by the vagina opening. What am I?
I am known as getting your tubes tied burnt and cut. What am I?
I am a branch system that connects the lobules of the mammary glands to the tip of the nipple. What am I?
I am the third part of the fallopian tubes that hugs the ovaries. What am I?
I am the thick lining in a woman’s uterus. I shed off every month. What am I?
I am known as getting your tubes tied burnt and cut. What am I?
I am an infection of the female reproductive organ caused by STIs. What am I?
I am the entrance into the uterus, but when I am swollen and inflamed. What am I?
I am 4-5 Inches deep and can expand when aroused. What am I?
I am a tube that helps the ovum travel from the ovaries to the uterus. What am I?
There are a millions of be during one ejaculation. What am I?
I normally start a few days to a week after your last menstrual cycle. What am I?
I am a female hormone that promotes the development of female secondary sex characteristics. What am I?
If you have me, I may cause a female to have heavy periods, pelvic pain during intercourse due to the buildup of scar tissue. What am I?
I am the inferior-posterior part of the uterus, on the cervical end my myometrium is narrow and thin. What am I?
I am a medium to dark circle surrounding the nipple. What am I?
I look like fingers at the end of a fallopian tube. What am I?
If you don’t urinate after sex is a great chance that you can get me. What am I?
We start out looking the same but during the 3rd month of pregnancy the boys develop a penis but in a girl… What am I?
I am also known as a woman’s second pair of lips, but I am not located on the face. What am I?
I am one of 3 openings in a woman’s reproductive area but don’t belong to the reproductive system. What am I?
When you have regular periods but randomly miss one with no apparent reason. What am I?
I am a tumor found on the lowest part of the uterus. What am I?
I am s form of birth control given intramuscular every 3 months .What am I?
I am a glad that is located in a woman’s breast and I stimulate milk production. What am I?
I normally have a 28 day cycle and can last 2-7 days. My nickname can be Aunt Flow, or Mother Nature. What am I?
If I am low in a woman’s body I can cause low sex drive migraines etc. What am I?
I am located in between the vaginal orifice and the anus. Also nickname Gouch. What am I?
I can expand up to 100xs my normal size when carrying a fetus. What am I?