Ancient documents say miracles are _____
If extraordinary is more than _____, then it's a problem because there are eyewitnesses
Theory that has 5 problems, one being that there was no explanation for the tomb: _____ myth
A prophecy about Jesus was that he _____
Theory that had a flaw of Jesus appearing 12 times: _____ tomb
If extraordinary is _____, then it's a problem because there are unrepeatable events
The people who broke away from the temple authorities and became monks
The Bible is incapable of being wrong
Reason scholars don't believe is for philosophical _____ against miracles
A propgecy about Jesus is that he was from the _____ of a woman
A prophecy about jesus is that he was God and _____
Theory with 6 flaws, one being that Jesus was embalmed: _____ death
The Messiah from _____ 53 accepts vicarious and substitutionary suffering on behalf of the people
Historically confirmed eyewitness documents say miracles are _____
NT writers were deceived about miraculous events like the _____
All scholars know that disciples _____ Jesus rose from the dead
If extraordinary is beyond _____, then it's a problem because there's more than 1 person to believe
A prophecy about Jesus was that he was from the _____ of David
One way you can put the burden of proof on skeptics for alternate theories
The penalty for grave robbing could be from a fine to _____