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And The Mountains Echoed Crossword

In chapter one, a mean creature, who is the antagonist of chaoter one ,takes children from families. what was the creature's name?
Parwana grew up with her twin sister Masooma. after falling from a tree, Masooma became...
Nabi secretly was in love with Mr. Wahdati's wife Nila. What did he help purchase to show his love for her?
When Mr. Markos calls pari about how she is adopted she has an "aha" moment as she connects her that missing piece to her life. This is called a...
Who read Pari the letter written by her Uncle Nabi?
What symbol was used in the beginning of the book tom represent the friendship and love of Pari and Abdullah?
What does Markos do for a living?
Many characters throughout the generations of the story grew older and became ill as time went on in the book. Who was the dynamic character at the end of the book?
The div, being the bad guy at the begging of chapter one, turns out to be doing unexpected good by taking children from poor families and bringing them to his fort on the top of the mountain for a better life. What is this an example of?
Who tells the story of the Div and Baba Ayub in chapter one?
What was the name of the girl who was hospitalized after her family was killed by her uncle with an ax?
What condition did Abdullah have when he was older at the end of the book?
Baba Ayub goes to the Div to kill him for stealing his child. This is an example of what kind of external conflict?
Chapter four is a letter written by Nabi to his friend Mr. Markos, requesting him to burry him next to Mr. Wahdati and to contact Pari to tell her the truth she has been missing all these years. What kind of narrator is this?
Pari tells her point of view in chapter six, so she is the lead character for that chapter. She can be considered the ___ of the story told in chapter six.
Pari always felt like something was missing in her life. Turns out, she had been adopted when she was younger and decided to meet her long lost brother Abdullah. What kind of conflict is this an example of?
What was the name of the city where Nabi lived?
Since Pari liked to collect feathers when she was still with her original family, Andullah traded his ___ for a peacock feather for Pari.
What type of animal chewed of Thalia's face when she was younger?
The character who stays the same throughout the book is...