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Unit 10 Review

An active virus goes through _____ cycle
A disease-causing agent
The color of gram-negative bacteria
Bacteria that are clump/mass of circles
Bacteria that are chains of circles
Archaea that live in extreme salt
A virus that does not replicate right away
A dormant virus goes through _________ cycle
Archaea that live where there is a lot of methane gas
A way that a virus is released that causes the host cell to burst
A pilus is extended from one bacterium to another in order to exchange a plasmid
A virus moves genetic information from one bacterium to another
Spiral shaped bacteria
Archaea that live in extreme heat
Unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus
Genetic material is absorbed from the environment
A nonliving particle that causes disease
A dormant virus that has integrated its DNA into the Host DNA
The color of gram-positive bacteria
A small circular piece of DNA with extra genes