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Chapter 14

A family consisting of oneself, one's father and mother and siblings.
A social link formed when we cooperate with another individual for the purpose of achieving a goal.
The developmental task described by Erikson in his psychosocial theory of development.
A feeling of homelessness and alienation from a previous way of life.
Dealing with conflicting demands of trying to be a parent, spouse, and paid worker and these roles are incompatible.
Sternberg's idea of love which is made up of intimacy and commitment.
Post partum depression
When all three parts of Sternberg's theory are present in a relationship an emotional bond forms.
Those relationships which represent our expressive ties.
Our ability to experience a trusting, supportive and tender relationship.
Usually understood as the kind of love you have for a very close friend.
A socially, legally, and religiously sanctioned union between a man and a woman.
When we typically think we are "in love" with another person.
A wise older counselor, coworker, boss or the like that will guide a younger person and be there for social support.
The overall pattern of living when we attempt to meet our physical, emotional and social needs.
Social interactions that rest on instrumental ties.
Our relationships with other people which involve stable sets of expectations from each party.
A social link formed when we invest ourselves in and commit to another person.
Living together with a partner to whom they are not married.