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Adobe Photoshop Tools

Date: _______________Pd._______
No tail or stroke at the end of characters
A selection based on color of particular pixel selected
Creates a selections that snaps to an object
A picture or portrait whose border fades into the surrounding color at its edges.
Type text in horizontal alignment
Used to sample a color
A series of dots or dotted lines
Makes an elliptical selection.
Creates straight line selections
Creates a freehand selection
This tool has 5 styles; linear, radial, angle, reflected and diamond
Amount of blur between selection and the surrounding pixels
Combining images from different sources
Have a tail or stroke at the end of some characters
Creates a rectangular selection
Use to place objects on the stage aligned appropriately
Lets you paint to select an object from the interior using a resizeable brush
Lets you protect or modify a particular area and it is created using a marquee
Type text in vertical alignment
Making finite adjustments to type
Has a setting value from 0 to 255. Allows you to specify how similar in color pixels must be in order to be selected
Allows you to move an image or parts of an image