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Stars and Constellations

Second brightest star in the constellation Orion.
Also known as The Bull
Responsible for the dead of the mighty hunter Orion
In Greek mythology, either a servant or a disguise of Zeus.
Only zodiacal constellation representing an inanimate object
10th brightest star in the sky
The chained lady.
Mentioned in two different ancient stories
Only star in the sky not part of any constellation.
Second brightest star in the sky. Also known as the Dog Star
Seventh brightest star in the night sky
Celestial harp invented by Hermes
Was originally part of the large constellation Argo Navis.
Fifth-brightest point of light in the constellation of Cygnus
Constellation with the most named stars in it.
Contains the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small irregular galaxy that orbits the Milky Way.
Described as a centaur, horse from the waist down and man above the waist.
Combined with Pavo, forms the biblical figure Job
Legendary king of Ethiopia
One of the earliest constellations
The 13th zodiacal constellation
Brightest stars form a zigzag line