_______ is for someone, even if it is oneself, that measures and compares itself to an original script. It is the act of doing an activity, behaviour or action. In other words, it is a gesture. It is also showing doing which is an action, but is pointing to or referring to a current script. The individual has agency because they can decide how the scripts get altered. One can also never do the same performance twice. Critical thinker(s): Marvin Carlson, Richard Schechner. Example: Ascribing to gender roles, celebrating Oktoberfest, and being a “good” student.
The act of communication through sharing, participating, and associating with a common belief. This maintains society over time through a system of reaffirming shared beliefs. Out of the _______ and transmission view, the _______ is historically older and has existed in different forms for longer periods of time. Critical thinker(s): James Carey. Example: Going to church reaffirms beliefs with other people in the church or going to the movies reaffirms a type of preferred genre.
_______-bodies are vehicles of communication. They communicate a multitude of things simultaneously. One of the things communicated is how individuals exist in a space. Individuals’ movements are dictated on how that space is constructed. There is also a dominant discourse or ideology that is unique to _______ and are contingent on context. They also communicate a preferred subject. They organize people’s sense of space, but people are able to make meaning because they read the space and decide how they will respond. For example, they can either confirm the social ideas of the space or push against them. Critical thinker(s): Elizabeth Grosz. Example: A University student can either agree with the current space and pathways going to and from buildings or create new paths by walking on un-paved areas.
Can be either living or dead. It is a living system and an act with consequences. It is not fixed, but changes and morphed. It is also an act/thing/verb/practice that has deep and real consequences when not used properly. Living ________ is freedom of thought and expression, it is kind, it is fair, it is the ability to tell stories and share experiences, it is free from oppression, it is not hateful. Dead _______ is hurtful, one-sided, and does not allow for change or human potential. Critical thinker(s): Toni Morrison. Example: The word N***** is considered dead _______ because it is oppressive and no longer a politically correct way of referring to black people.
_________ in terms of communication theory is how one uses (their) ________ to create meaning, discourse, language, fill space, encode/decode messages, resist dominant ideologies, etc. The roots of this crossword in connection to all other terms. Central thinker(s): Foucault, Althusser, Debord, Baudrillard, Sontag, Naila Keleeta-Mae, Eugenia Flynn, Marvin Carlson, Richard Schechner, Elizabeth Grosz, Carey, Morrison, Lorde. Example: Using the body to be hailed by society.
People are already always within _______. Becoming a subject already happens before one’s existence. It is social and collective meanings that people inherent or unconscious processes that people enact without knowing that they do. It represents the “imaginary relationships of individuals” to the real world. _______ reflects dominant subjects that disempower individuals. The world is therefore structured by these illusions such as the idea that hard work leads to success and happiness, where in reality it actually serves a dominant interest for those in power. Critical thinker(s): Louis Althusser. Example: Practicing being a “good” student by listening attentively in class, raising one’s hand for a question, etc., may seem like common sense, but it is actually a way for the institution to regulate and control people.
Bodies as ________ is when life essentially functions for the purpose of consumption. Consumption is essentially all that one sees and there is very little that one does that does not function for consumption. We are a ________ to be consumed that are presented to others. We must do a lot of consuming and investing in oneself in order to appear a part of the consumer culture. How the body operates right now is very different from previous historical eras. The body will therefore reflect the social values at any given moment in time. Critical thinker(s): Jean Baudrillard. Example: In order to appear as the stereotype of a “white girl”, one must invest a lot of time and money into fulfilling this appearance such as buying Ugg Boots, buying expensive brand name clothing, taking time to do their makeup or hair, etc.
_________ making is a four step process. The first step is production. This is where the text is produced and the encoding begins. It is framed by drawing upon society’s dominant ideologies. The second is circulation. How the text is circulated depends on how the audience receives the message and puts it to use. The third step is use. This refers to the distribution or consumption of the text. The consumers must view the text as important discourse and then decoded. Finally, the last step is reproduction. This happens after the consumer has interpreted the text in their own way. The text may or may not be re-circulated at this point. Central theorist(s): Stuart Hall. Example: When a tweet goes out, the message is quickly produced, circulated, and consumed, but people can either choose to recirculate it by retweeting it, quoting it, etc. or they can choose to keep scrolling and do nothing with it.