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Poetic and Dramatic Terminology Pt. 2

Poetry with no set meter (rhythm) or rhyme scheme.
Words that are spelled much like how they sound.
A type of rhyme where the beginning and end sounds the same; middle sound is different such as bell and ball.
Ten-syllable lines in which every other syllable is stressed.
A four-line stanza
A type of poetry that expresses the poet's emotions. It often tells some sort of brief story, engaging the reader in the experience.
Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature
The repetition of the same beginning consonants.
A type of rhyme where the end sounds the same such as ball and hall.
The repetition of the same vowel sounds in the middle of words.
The repetition of the same ending consonants.