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Native American Wars

Teacher: Alex Schwartz
A shield of good luck worn or carried by a Native American. They usually represent the person they are made for.
Gold was discovered here and miners entered Sioux reservations illegally. This broke their treaty
A law developed in 1862 by Congress to promote settlement of the Great Plains
Native American trained to heal the sick
_______ Railway Act granted land to Union Pacific and Central Railroads
A reservation is a legal designated piece of ____ where Native Americans were sent to live in order to keep peace
Custer's "Last Stand" against Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse was at "The Battle of ________ ___ ____"
Factors such as: the Civil War displaced thousands of farmers, former slaves and other workers, eastern farmland was getting too costly, and outlaws seeking refuge
President when "The Homestead Act of 1862" was signed into law
______ Act of 1887 tried to "Americanize" the Native Americans by giving them plots of land to farm and trying to push white schooling and Christianity on them
_______ Land Grant Act stated that governments would be given millions of acres of western land to sell/raise money
The process by which a person or groups language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group
General who led the forces to get Native Americans back into their reservations in 1876
The Trans Continental Railroad connected the Central Pacific and the _____ Pacific Railroads
The ________ man was a doctor for the tribe. Some practices are still used today
Native Americans believed this to be their "God"
The ______ Appropriations Act of 1871 ended the governments policy of making treaties with Native American tribes
Another name for indigenous
Believed by Native Americans to "catch" and sort dreams
Chief of the Cheyenne tribe who stated "One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk"
A cleansing smoke bath used to purify the body or personal articles. It removes negative energy and promotes healing
Chief of the Sioux Indian Tribe
Factors such as: government incentives, land speculators, land grant acts, and new railways
Plains Indians followed these animal herds for food and clothing
Native Americans practiced this dance as a spiritual movement to restore themselves to prominence and destroy the European settlers
The First Trans Continental Railroad was known as "The _______ of the rails"
A "get-together" to sing, dance, feast, pray, visit and story tell
The ideology that the United States was destined to expand from the east coast to the west coast
Most colonists practice this religion
A very strong tribe during the Native American Wars
Bringing people of different races, or ethnic groups into equality, as in a society
Used by Native Americans - the smoke is like prayers and words that go out and touch everyone
Tent-like houses used by plains tribes made with a cone-shaped wooden frame and covered with buffalo hide