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Rogers' Theory of Unitary Human Beings

An example of mutual patterning of the human and environmental fields includes _______ knowledge
There are no boundaries that stop energy flow between the human and environmental fields, which is the ______ in Rogers' theory.
Defined as "non-linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes."
This individual proposed the most unique conceptual model in nursing.
Nursing focuses on people and the manifestations that emerge from the mutual _____ _______ field process.
The nursing process has three steps in Rogers' Theory of Unitary Human Beings: ______, voluntary mutual patterning, and evaluation.
There are ______ concepts in Roger's nursing theory.
Is the fundamental unit of both the living and the non-living.
Is an ordered arrangement of rhythm characterizing both the human and environmental fields that undergo continuous dynamic metamorphosis in the human environmental process
Rogers defines _____ as the distinguishing characteristic of an energy field seen as a single wave.
The nursing theory provides a way to view the ____ ____ ____ , who is integral with the universe.
The three principles are resonancy, helicy, and integrality
Covers the mutual, continuous relationship of the human and environmental fields.
In ______ _____ of Unitary Human Beings, a person is defined as an indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern, and manifesting characteristics specific to the whole, and that can't be predicted from knowledge of the parts.
Describes the unpredictable, nonlinear evolution of energy fields as seen in non-repeating rhythmicities, and postulates an ordering of the human evolutionary emergency.