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Sound and Light

The measure of how high or low a sound is.
The distance in a straight line from one place on a ripple to the same place on the next ripple.
A large, quick air pressure increased followed by a large decrease. Object going faster then speed. Causes big BOOM.
The bending of the path of light when it moves from one matter to another.
Allows most light to pass through; clear image can be seen.
The measure of the amount of sound energy reaching your ears.
The range of light energy that people can see.
The speed at which a sound wave travels.
A vibration you can hear.
The bouncing of light of an object.
Reflecting or absorbing all light; no image can be seen.
A unit for measuring loudness.
The part of a sound wave where sound molecules are spread apart.
A sound reflection.
A solid object that bends light; not a lens.
The change in frequency and pitch as a source of sound waves move toward or away from you.
Allowing some light to pass through; blurry image can be seen.
The area of a sound wave where the molecules are closer together.
Quickly moving areas of high and low pressure.
The greatest distance from the bottom of the sound wave to the top of a sound wave. The more energy a wave carries the more amplitude it has.
The stopping of light when it hits a wall or object.
The number of times an object vibrates per second.