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Chapter 15.1 Review

Jasmine Baxter - Dominic DeVille - Jessica Donahue
Vocabulary word that means "power."
Relative pronoun that means who and whom and refers only to people.
Relative pronoun that means that, which, who, and whom and is used for both people and objects.
Vocabulary word that means "human rights."
Vocabulary word that means "terrorism."
Vocabulary word that means "poverty."
Vocabulary word that means "pacifist."
Vocabulary word that means "strike."
Vocabulary word that means "conflict."
Verb that means "to abolish."
Verb that means "to protest."
Vocabulary word that means "citizen."
Vocabulary word that means "activist."
Vocabulary word that means "peace."
Vocabulary word that means "coup d'etat."
Verb that means "to promote."
Relative pronoun that means what or that which and refers to an idea, event, or situation.
Vocabulary word that means "war."
Vocabulary word that means "soldier."
Vocabulary word that means "effort."