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Children's Theory of Mind and Egocentrism

Do not include spaces in the words!
The adolescent believes that he or she is the focus of attention in social settings due to a lack of differentiation between self and other's thoughts.
A person's ability to understand that something may appear to be one thing but is actually something else (do not include the last word or else the word will not fit)
Adolescents believe that their situation is something that only they can understand
Has 4 characteristics including False beliefs, Appearance-Reality Distinctions, Visual Perspective Taking, and Introspection.
Has 2 consequences: Imaginary Audience and Personal Fable
Understanding that views of physical objects change based on perspective.
The examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.
A child infering that another person can understand or possess a level of knowledge about a task or topic that they do.