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Colossians 2:9 is about Jesus Christ's relationship with _____. (see the footnote)
When we are fruitful in every good work, we increase in the _____ of God. (1:10)
Paul tells us to set our _____ on things that are eternal. (3:2)
Being baptized is supposed to remind us of death and _____. (2:12-13)
The word of truth brought forth _____ in the Colossians (1:5-6)
We have _____ through the blood of Christ. (1:14)
Jesus Christ is the _____ of Heavenly Father's children. (1:15)
Do what you do, not to impress men, but to the _____. (3:23)
Let the peace of God _____ in your heart. (3:15)
We can be reconciled to God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ if we continue to be _____ and settled in our faith. (1:23)
Paul and his companions prayed _____ for the Saints in the Colossae branch (1:3)
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be redeemed, or presented _____ to God. (1:22)
Beware of anyone who tries to destroy your faith with _____ and vain deceit. (2:8)
Jesus Christ created all _____. (1:16)
Paul tells us that bad words are "_____ communications out of your mouth." (3:8)