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Chapter 8

Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood
Consistent and unambiguous treatment toward children intended to modify unacceptable behaviors.
Parenting in which both parents are in complete agreement with any aspect of child rearing; they work together as a single unit.
Involves two or more children who are sharing toys or materials.
The socially standardized life-ways of a people.
A version of play also called "make believe" which allows a child to try on new roles.
Attempts to shape, control and evaluate a child's behavior in accordance traditional values.
Bandura's theory which states that a child will imitate the behavior of adults when establishing himself/herself.
A child's own sense of self worth or self image.
Individuals who are approximately the same age.
An individual who becomes part of a child's daily life, an invisible character whom they name, engage in conversations with and play with.
Persistent violations of socially prescribed behaviors.
The state of being male or female.
Child rearing strategies which shapes and influences a child's development.
Erkison's stage of development for the period of early childhood.
A child's thoughts, words and feelings are limited in outlook to their own needs.
The image one has of oneself.
The capacity to predict the intention of another person, manage conflict, talk about feelings and why some people act the way they do,
Non punitive, accepting, and affirmative environment in which children regulate their own behaviors.
Firm direction for a child's overall activities but also gives the child some freedom within limits.
A program designed to provide children from low income families with educational interventions.
Failure to provide for a child's needs.
A voluntary activity undertaken for enjoyment or recreation and for no other purpose.
The system of concepts we use in defining ourselves.