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Orem's self care model

Diagnosis and prescription: why nursing is needed .analyze and interpret -make judgement regarding care
Is art, a helping service, and a technolog
Deficits in universal, development, and health derived or health related conditions
A human who has "health related /health derived limitations that render him incapable of continuous self care or dependent care or limitations that results in ineffective /incomplete care
Adjusted to age , health status
A system to determine (1) why a person ins under care (2) a plan for care (3) the implementation of care
Components are enthronement factors ,enthronement elements. conditions, and developed environment
Has the capacity to reflect , symbolize and use symbols
Practice of activities that individual initiates and perform on their own behalf in maintaining life, health , and well being.
It is when they are structurally and functionally whole or sound...wholeness or integrity. includes that which makes a person human ...operating in conjunction with physiological and psychophysiological mechanisms and a material structure and in relation to and interacting with other human beings.
Deliberate, systematic and purposeful action.