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Chapt 10: Landmarks of the Face & Oral Cavity

Inflammation at the corners of the mouth that may be caused by nutritional deficiency of the B complex vitamins, but most commonly is a fungal condition.
The opening between the two arches of the soft palate
Part of the mandible that forms the chin.
Winglike tip of the outer side of each nostril; plural, alae.
Pear-shaped projection at the end of the soft palate.
Posterior arch of the soft palate.
The gateway to the oral cavity; commonly known as “lips.”
Cartilaginous projection anterior to the external opening of the ear.
Band of tissue that passes from the facial oral mucosa at the midline of the arch to the midline of the inner surface of the lip; also called frenulum; plural, frenula.
The angle at the corner of the mouth where the upper and lower lips join.
Space between the teeth and the inner mucosal lining of the lips and cheeks.
Anterior arch of the soft palate.
Facial landmark commonly called the “bridge” of the nose.
Threadlike elevations that cover most of the tongue.
The groove extending upward between the labial commissure and the nasal ala.
The space on the tongue side within the upper and lower dental arches.
Midpoint between the eyes just below the eyebrows.
Normal variations that may appear on the buccal mucosa.
The lower posterior of the ramus.
Knoblike projections on the tongue.
Base of the vestibule where the buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa.
Smooth surface of the frontal bone; also, the anatomical part directly above the root of the nose.