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Domain D - Financial Management

Outline of all the benefits for an exhibitor.
Distinct from other statements, does not allow for future transactions.
Costs that are incurred regardless of the number of attendees
Counts income & expenses as they are actually received
Point-of-sale tax that is levied by various countries for various commodities. (VAT) International
PCI compliance compliance or tokenization
On-line registration companies that offer registration forms, secure sites, and transaction processing
Costs that vary according to the number of attendees
Estimates of anticipated income & expenses
Complimentary travel, accommodation and registration for prequalified buyers to attend event.
Budgeting based on past actual figures from previous budgets
Statement indicates overall financial status. Bottom Line at a particular point in time.
Statement of revenues and expenses over a period of time. Or P&L
Includes event funding & resources, budgeting and monetary transaction procedures
Allows for promises of payment. records items as they are related to net worth
Overhead or administrative line items
Finacial support provided by the host destination/government as incentive to event organisers