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Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Fruit that enables us to endure inconvenience, difficulties and hardship
Doing what is good and right in every circumstance
Concern for others who are in trouble and need, acts of service
Helps us make the right choices in life and in our relationship with God and others
A deep and constant gladness in the Lord that circumstances cannot destroy
Moderation of desire of sexual pleasure.
Selfless acts of care and service towards others
To be reliable and trustworthy, loyal to God and others.
Give freely of time, talent and treasure, give at one's own cost
Strength of will and courage to do what we know we should do
Ability to see things through God's viewpoint
Serenity and tranquility that flows from order
To see what is right and wrong, prudence to act accordingly.
Moderation in our speech, dress and behavior
See life from God's perspective, discern what is true, right and lasting
Submissive to God and considerate of others. Being gracious, peaceful and forgiving
Wonder and awe, fear of losing our relationship with God.
To be disciplined in ones desires and respectful of the dignity of others
Gift that helps us love and worship God