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Legend: crossword puzzle

The thing all ten year olds have to take
The bank Day robbed in ten seonds
Metia's friend also the person that killed him
What the government is called in legend
A Patriot spy
The thing that makes all the guns not work at days execution
The leader of metias patrol
The necklace given today by his father
The viruse the government gives it citizens
A person with the abllity to be the best in the future jut not right now
The bomb that day put together to get June and Tess out of the skiz fight
Junes dog
The only person to ever get a perfect score on there trail
Day's older brother
Junes brother
A place where you can buy illegal stuff
The place kids are sent when they fail there trail
The medicine that counteracts the plague
The main character that's a criminal
A place where the dead are taken
The currency used in legend
The people that make the decisions about the republic
The leader of the republic
The place day's executoin was suppposed to take place
Day was sentenced to be ----- after he was caught
Th author of legend
People loyal to the colonies
The enemy of the republic
Day's younger brother
The person day lived with on the streets