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Culinary Arts - chapt.11

Nutrients that dissolve into water, especially water soluble vitamins, B and C.
A fat like substance the body needs and can manufacture on its own but can also cause heart related problems.
People who do not eat meat or other animal foods.
Heart related problems often caused by too much LDL- "The bad cholesterol".
Fats that are usually liquid at room temperature.
Foods that are low in calories but rich in nutrients.
A unique type of complex carbohydrate that does not provide energy but is key to the functioning of the digestive system.
A fluid imbalance that can cause health problems such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
People who do not eat any meat or animal products.
Substances that are added to foods to improve their shelf life, improve foods flavor, texture or to improve appearance.
A process in which hydrogen is added under pressure to polyunsaturated fats to turn them from liquid to solid.(margarine)
The amount of nutrients a person needs every day based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Foods that have been ground in a food processor.
The main source of energy or fuel used by our bodies.
Eat or drink some dairy products such as cheese and milk but don't eat eggs.
Through digestion, proteins are broken down into these small units.
People who eat eggs in addition to foods from plant sources.
Fats that are usually liquid at room temperature. It is considered to be more healthful than saturated fats.
Complex carbohydrates that come from seeds or pods of certain plants.
The process of preparing small amounts of food several times throughout a foodservice period.
Chemical compounds that help the body carry out its functions.
A storage form of glucose.