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World of the Polar Regions

forms clumps on better-drained land. In late summer its flowers turn into tufts .
allows smaller animals to survive away from the harsh polar conditions.
land of sedges, mosses, grasses, and lichens growing in patches.
One of the few woody plants that manage to flourish.
A part of land where the lower parts remains frozen ice
Soil is a mixture of tiny particles (grains of rock) and the decayed remains of organism
A plant that grows along the ground and arbitrarily break off and lay down roots.
Are often the first to appear.hey can grow in sheltered places on bare rock, and their remains provide food for mosses.
summers in the arctic but is known as a highly nomadic bird depending on fluctuations of its prey population.
Allows some animals to blend with their environment.
Grows in rocky soil on cliffs where snow melts early or has difficulty accumulating.
Live in southern tundra where there are a few trees. Can populate rapidly when food is plentiful .Like to burrow and eat roots of plants.
Large ice sheet that reach the sea that break away from glaciers
a whale with two teeth, with the left tooth of the male growing forward, through the upper lip, as a long spiral tusk. Aka the Unicorn of the sea
“mother-of-thousands” because of its unusual reproductive method
After it melts it leaves a hollow that fills with water and that may be the size of a lake.
is the largest of all seals and sea lions distinguishable by its “mustache” and huge tusks.
Plants that have a life span of more than two years
s highly social living in packs of about 20 individuals, consisting of breeding pairs and their young. travels in packs.
the largest of all land dwelling carnivores they reach lengths of 9 feet and weigh 1,400 pounds.
also known as “killer whales” is the largest member of the dolphin family.