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Top 3 Functions of Each Nutrient

Reduces blood pressure through proper dietary intake
Needed for the growth, maintenance, and repair of all tissues and cells
Second most abundant mineral in the body (after calcium)
Regulates extracellular fluid volume, thus directly affecting blood pressure
Body's principle extracelluar anion
Serves as a medium for chemical reactions, e.g. body's metabolism, hydrolysis reactions, glycolysis, amino acid bonds
Helps maintain proper blood volume, blood pressure, and pH of body fluids
Helps filter out waste in the kidneys
Body's most abundant intracellular cation
Body's most abundant extracellular cation
Vital for muscle contractions and conduction of nerve impulses
Vital for muscle contractions and conduction of nerve impulses
Important constituent of stomach hydrochloric acid (HCl), the key digestive acid
Structural component in all of the body's tissue and comprises around 60% of the body's total volue
Transports nutrients and wastes (as blood or urine, which are 90-95% water)