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Chapter 8 crossword puzzle

Long chains of undersea mountains.
Thick, dense lithospheric plates that are made of basalt and form the ocean floor.
A lithospheric plate boundary where two plates come together.
A theory explaining hoe the pieces of Earths surface {the plates} move.
A valley in the ocean created where one lithospheric plate subducts under another.
A lithospheric plate boundary where two plates slide by each other.
Thin, less dense lithospheric plates that are made of granite and form the continents.
A rock formed from another kind of rock due to heat and pressure.
A process that involves a lithospheric plate sinking into the mantle.
The idea that continents move around on Earth's surface.
Heated lower mantle rock that rises towards the lithosphere because it is less dense than surrounding mantle rock.
A hypothesis that new sea floor is created at mid-ocean ridges and that in the process the continents are pushed apart from each other.
A lithospheric plate boundary where two plates move apart.
Large pieces of Earth's lithospheric that move over the asthenosphere.
An ancient, huge landmass composed of earlier forms of today's continent, ancient supercontinent