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Chapter 10 Delivering a Speech

Delivering a speech with little to no time to prepare.
Strategy for managing public speaking anxiety.
Delivering a speech using a keyword and/or key-phrase.
Type of communication apprehension that occurs in people when giving a presentation.
How high or low your voice is.
The flow of your speaking.
Delivering a speech word for word.
A cognitive restructuring strategy that addresses public speaking anxiety.
Words that speakers in between speeches.
The clarity of sounds and words.
Element of nonverbal delivery that helps establish credibility and hold an audience's attention.
Variations in rate, volume, and pitch that make a speech more engaging.
Movements of the face that help convey emotions.
Delivering a speech from a written or printed document.
Unintended pauses in a speech.
How fast or slow you speak.
How loud or soft you speak.