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Maternity-Newborn Nursing

Elevate bilirubin in a neonate.
Bluish color of newborns hands and feet.
Medication to stimulate uterine contractions
Acronym for babies born addicted to substances used by mother
Site of newborn IM injections.
Creamy covering on newborn skin.
Another name for the startle reflex.
Tiny white bumps on cheeks of newborns.
Number of vessels in an umbilical cord.
Process of milk production in a mom.
Elicited by stroking baby's cheek with finger.
Elicited by stimulating outer sole of foot.
Fine hair covering a newborn.
Acronym for perineum assessment after birth.
Vaginal Discharge mom has after giving birth
Palpated for firmness routinely after birth.
Butt down presentation of baby.
Infection of breast.
Stalled labor progress.
Normal fetal heart rate elevation at the beginning of a contraction.
Term for elevated blood pressure in a mom prenatally.
Type of milk first produced when breastfeeding
Last phase of labor prior to delivery.
Removal of foreskin
Term for milk filled painful breasts.
Acronym for maternal assessment.
Birth prior 37 weeks gestation.
Newborn stores of extra fat to help maintain temperature.
Babies higher than 90th percentile for gestational age at birth (acronym)
Restricted growth in utero acronym