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Body organization and skeletal system

HAs many small spaces in it found at the end of bones
AN instrament inserted into joints douring surgery
SOft fatty substance in the cavity of the bone
A Disease of the joints making movement painful
A Treatment of joints injured or diseased. The joint is replaced which an artificial metal or plastic
When the end of a bone comes out of its joint
Complex living structure undergoing growth and development
IMages of bone and soft tissue. A machine containing electromagnets
A Break in a bone
COnnects muscle to bone
DEnse bone under the membrain
PRocess by which an organisms environment is stable in spite of external changes
BTweet two bones so that they don't rub
Preventing muscle bone tendon ligament movement
WEak bones that break easily due to loss of minerals
WHen ligaments are stretched to far and have tears is places
26 small bones that run down your back
A Short band of thought tissue that connects two bones
A Connection made between two bones
FOrm of energy that travels in waves used to ditermine of bones are Broken