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Josie Wheeler Crossword Puzzle

Person among the first nonnative people to settle a region
An Iroquois chief or tribal leader.
Name given by colonists to far end of a country where people are just beginning to settle.
Money made on goods that exceeds the cost of production.
Person of mixed Spanish and Indian heritage.
Trader who transported furs by canoe in New France.
Science of determining a ship location and direction.
Settlement far away from the country that rules it.
Law-making body of Calonial Virginia established in 1619.
Movement of people, plants, animals and germs across Atlantic Ocean.
Send goods to other countries for sale or use.
Bring goods from another country for sale or use.
A person in New France who trapped furs without permission from the government.
A crop grown to be sold for profit.
Someone who teaches their religion to those who have different beliefs.
Group of merchants who share cost and profits of a business.
This person buys, sells and trades goods for profit.
Trading of goods for goods.
A person, group or nation united with another to do something.
A journey made for a special purpose.
Name for Spanish conquerors who first came to the Americas in 1500's.
Person who worked for someone in colonial America in exchange for the ocean voyage.
Water route that was believed to flow through North Amer. to Asia.
Area in which different groups of people are controlled by one ruler or government.
Official document giving person permission to do something.
Force a person to work for no money without freedom to leave.