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Charlotte's Web: Compound Words
_________________ who saw the miracle in the web was impressed.
There was a weather vane on the barn's ___________________.
The ________________ was right next to the pigpen at the Zuckermans' farm.
Charlotte hid in a _______________ on the way to the fairgrounds.
Wilbur called out, but his new friend was _____________ to be found.
During the school year, Fern could only visit the farm in the ________________.
A _________________ is a work of art.
The ___________________ is where the hay is stored in a barn.
Charlotte's web hung from the _________________ of the barn.
A ____________________ is stronger than it looks.
Wilbur liked to lay outside in the _________________ and feel the warmth of the sun.
__________________ clapped when Wilbur was awarded a special prize.
Fern was not allowed to go inside the __________________.
Avery and Fern coasted _________________ on their sleds in the snow.
Charlotte could let out a __________________ and hang from it.
Wilbur couldn't spend the day __________________ because it was raining.
Luvry suspected _________________ was wrong with Wilbur because he wasn't eating.
Fern ran after her father who was on his way to the hoghouse.
The leftovers from ________________ usually ended up in Wilbur's trough.
Templeton hid _________________ Wilbur's crate.
Mrs. Zuckerman rubbed _____________________ on Wilbur before they left for the County Fair.
Lurvy brought a _________________ to work.
The judges asked Mr. Zuckerman to bring Wilbur to the grandstand.
Wilbur didn't want to go to the County Fair _________________ Charlotte.
The sparrows fly down from Boston in the __________________ and nest in Mr. Zuckerman's barn.
A __________________ is the piece of wood on a wagon or carriage that keeps the horses hooves from hitting the passengers.
Wilbur didn't like being all by __________________; he wanted friends.
Charlotte created the words in the web all by ______________; she didn't need anyone's help.
The grownups allowed the children to go off by themselves at the County Fair.
Wilbur was happy to return to the __________________ but sad that Charlotte was not with him any longer.