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Satire and Fake News

Plus a grammar question!  
A depiction of a person with key features over-exaggerated
A satirical tool: double-_______
A tool of satirists
A popular, and likely most well-known, modern satirical publication.
Another word for contrast.
A tool satirists use where they place an entire group of people "under the same umbrella"
The use of an authority figure
Some information to look into if uncertain if a source is credible
Satire that is more good-natured, tends to be funny.
Appeal to emotion, passion
What satire is intended to inspire
"A Modest Proposal" proposes an outrageous solution to what Irish problem?
"_______'s Travels"
Satire that targets mindsets: bigots, racism, etc.
Consistently trustworthy
A clue that the content you are reading in online articles or print is not real.
The name of the age in which satire emerged
A vocabulary word for this unit that means "to hold a commanding position"
A vocabulary word for this unit that is used in a way to mean "a way of addressing something"
One thing writers used (and still use) satire to expose
More serious; satire that tends to focus on government, institutions, etc.
To be grammatically correct, you cannot simply use a comma to connect two of these kinds of clauses
Appeal to reason, logic. May not always be true, but the creator hopes you'll think it is.
A tool writers might use to motivate their audience to click or open.
A tool of satirists used to emphasize similarities and differences
The author of "A Modest Proposal"
A vocabulary word for this unit meaning "improve the quality of"
A site that can help you determine if an article is real or fake
A mocking imitation of a creator's style