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Bless Me, Ultima

Answer Key
The "new god" Cico tells Antonio about
A Curandera that comes to live with Antonio and his family
Spanish for nightmare
Spanish for moon, Antonio's mothers side of the family
The soul being born again in a new form
The Virgin Mary as she appeared in Mexico (phrase)
Spanish for baby goats or kids
The main character of the book
Tenorio's daughters
A prayer necklace
A Catholic's religious education
Spanish for holy spirit (phrase)
A healer who uses natural herbs as medicine
Spanish for sin
The town where Antonio and his family live
Spanish for sorceress
A Spanish word for cowboy or horseman
Spanish for a flat plane, valley, or prairie
A Catholic ceremony of accepting membership or the faith of the Church
Payback or revenge
The town drunk
The author of Bless Me, Ultima
A religious ceremony where you accept the sacraments
Limbo, a place between heaven and hell
A religious ceremony that initiates a child into the Church