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The Cabot Crossword!

by Kianna Drewniak
In Italy, John is known as Giovanni _______. *HINT* It is Cabot but with an extra letter at the end
He learned his sailing and navigation skills from the Italian seamen and ________. *HINT* Starts with an "M" and ends with a "T"
The North West passage ran through the Atlantic Ocean and the _______ ocean along the border of the U.S and Canada. *HINT* The biggest ocean on earth.
After discovering Canada, John Cabot recieved 30 pounds in ____and gratitude from King Henry VII. *HINT* Starts with "C" and ends in "H"
John Cabot was born in _______. *HINT* This location invented spagetti
When John Cabot was in England, he met a girl named _______. *HINT* it starts with an "M" and ends with a "A"
After Christopher Columbus, John Cabot became the 2nd European to discover _____________. *HINT* This continent has Canada, U.S.A and Mexico inside of it.
__________ Columbus was one of John Cabots main role models. *HINT* The short name for this name is Chris.
In 1498, Cabot left Bristol,UK with a flock of 5 ships. One ship had to stop in Ireland because of a severe _____. *HINT* When dark clouds appear and it rains and thunders.
John Cabot____sometime in the 1500s.*HINT* Opposite of alive
When Cabot and his son Sebastiano sailed on the ship Matthew, many sailors believed that there was a water route called the North West ________. *HINT* Another word for route
In 1496, King Henry VII granted Cabot written authority to sail under the _______ flag. *HINT* When people from Britian talk they have a _______ accent.
After John was given his Venetian citizenship, he was able to _____ across the Mediterranean Sea.*HINT* To exchange something for another item.
Once _______was declared by England, Power rose in the 15 and 16 centuries. *HINT* we live in this country.
Sailors beleived that the North West passage would be a _______ and safer way to Asia for trading. *HINT* Another word for faster
His father was a ______ merchant. *HINT* what kind of food is cinnamon?
One of Cabots sons, Sebastiano, would later become an _______ like his dad. *HINT*(Dora Theme song) Dora, Dora, Dora the _______.
Caboto means costal _______. *HINT* When you exchange something for another thing.
After 15 years of living in Venice, Italy, Cabot got his Venetian __________ in 1476. *HINT* If you are born in Canada you get automatic Canadian c*********p
When Cabot first discovered Canada, it is beleived that him and his crew landed on the coast of ________.*HINT* A kind of dog: A _____ Retriever
In 1495, John Cabot and his family moved to _________. *HINT* This is a place in Europe and they drink lots of tea there.
While Cabot was exploring Canada, He gave names to may of the _______ he came across. *HINT* A little peice of land surronded by ocean EX. Hawaii
Cabot had 3 _____. *HINT* What do you call the thing in the sky that heats earth?
Why did John Cabot move from italy to England? To escape ______ in Italy. *HINT* When you run out of money but you still owe people cash.
On Cabots first voyage, he made a claim to Canada, Mistaking in for ______. *HINT* China, India and Japan are found in this continent.