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Crossword Puzzle: Dr. Lisa Harvey Smith Square Kilometer Array--From Blackholes to Dark Matter

There is a powerful radio source at the center of the galaxy which is believed to be a super massive black hole.
Angular momentum is a physical property that is conversed for any object in orbit.
The universe is full of invisible magnetic fields, which is generated when electric charge carriers move through space.
Dark matter is an unidentified type of matter which we can only detect it from its gravitational effect.
Electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all types of electromagnetic radiation. In another word, it consists of all the different wavelengths of light. It is not just the colors that we can see but also the colors we can’t see such as from infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays, and radio waves.
One exciting thing we can do with radio telescopes is to tune into other frequencies that show us where certain molecules such as water and amino acid are, and so to help us find out where these building blocks of life exist.
Because radio wave has a much longer wavelength, so in order to get a better and clearer image of the sky, bigger radio telescopes are required.
Pulsar is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star or white dwarf, that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation
Square kilometer array is a large multi radio telescope project that joins up lots of smaller telescopes across different areas to make a virtual huge telescope, with a total collecting area of 1 million square meters.
Telescopes operating in different wavelength bands allow astronomers to study the universe in very different eyes and views, and allow us to examine on different types of images.
There is hydrogen gas that’s just floating around galaxies which is not part of starts and not part of planets
Doppler effect is the effect produced by a moving source of waves in which there is an apparent upward shift in frequency for observers towards whom the source is approaching and a downward shift in frequency for observers from whom the source is receding.
The first step in building the Square Kilometer Array is to find the right side
Gravity is the weakest universal force that pull things together
Cosmic dawn is known as the time when first stars and galaxies burst into existence, bringing light to the cosmos and putting an end to the dark ages.
There are eleven countries involved in the SKA (Square Kilometer Array) project.