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Colonization of Jamaica 1655 (2)

Jamaica was attacked after the English failed to capture ____________.
The early settlers in Jamaica after its capture by the British included 1000 ____________ women.
The person in charge of the British government when the capture of Jamaica was carried out was called _____.
The English plan to drive the Spanish from the Caribbean was called the ____________.
The Spanish settlers in Jamaica owned small numbers of ______________.
After its capture, Jamaica was never given the ______________ system of government
Jamaica was neglected by the Spanish because it had very little ___________.
An economic activity engaged in by the early Spanish settlers in Jamaica was the growing of ______.
The first capital of Jamaica was ______________.
Large numbers of English troops in Jamaica died from ______________.
The English troops that attacked Jamaica was made up of 2500 soldiers from England, 500 men from St. Kitts, Nevis and Monsterrat, as well as 3000 recruits from ___________________.
Jamaica would become a major colony producing ____________.
The small Spanish population in Jamaica were not prepared in 1655 for an ____________.
One of the leaders of the British attack on Jamaica was called ____________.
The English attack on the Spanish empire in the Caribbean was based on _____________ information
A major problem faced by the early English settlers in Jamaica was a shortage of _____________.